domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2010

An interstellar burst

"We are accidents waiting to happen"
"For a minute there, I lost myself"

"An interstellar burst - back to save the universe"

"They got a skin and they put me in for anyone else to see. I'm a lie."

"That there, that's not me."
"Dare not speak it's name, dedicated to all you - all human beings"

"We separate like ripples on a blank shore"

"And I can't face the evening straight, you can offer me escape"
"One by one, it comes to us all - it's as soft as your pillow"

Post à uma das minhas bandas preferidas, RA D IOHE_AD.

Por que a maioria das frases mais fodas que já ouvi vieram do Thom Yorke?
Holy fuck, he is God.

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